Hormones are extremely important for our health, and we must ensure that we understand how they work and keep them in balance. Because if we don’t, the chances are that we can encounter something called a hormonal imbalance. When that happens, we usually have either too much or too little of a specific hormone. That becomes an issue because we need to have hormonal balance for everything to work the way we want.

The hormonal imbalance symptoms

Symptoms can vary quite a lot, but they are anywhere from weight gain to muscle aches and weakness, a lower or higher heart rate, joint stiffness or pain, a constant sense of fatigue, weight gain, you have significant weight gain, and other things similar to that. An increase in hunger and thirst can also be a problem here, same with depression, blurred vision, and even irritability and nervousness.

What leads to hormonal imbalance?

A hormonal imbalance can appear due to a variety of factors. It can be due to medication, chemotherapy, stress, trauma, or injury. Tumors and bioidentical hormone therapy can also bring in hormonal imbalance problems too, which is something to keep in mind. Diabetes, Addison’s disease, and hyper or hypothyroidism can also end up bringing in these issues, so you have to keep that in mind.

Treating hormonal imbalance

Once you know that you have a hormonal imbalance, it’s imperative to find a way to deal with it. There is a multitude of different treatment options, depending on the issues that you are facing. Vaginal estrogen or estrogen therapy is very common. Anti-androgen medication can be a good option too, depending on the situation and what issues the person is facing.

Then we also have testosterone therapy, which is crucial when men have low testosterone symptoms. This can arrive in different forms, from a gel to patches or even injections. Thyroid hormone therapy and metformin are also important options to consider. But there are other treatments one can use for hormonal imbalance, like Eflornithine, Flibanserin, and many others.

When it comes to natural remedies, you can try those too. Eating healthily and avoiding hot flash triggers is just as important and it will help a lot. Even removing unwanted hair or decreasing vaginal discomfort can be a very good idea. You can also add to that other thing like weight loss too. Give these a try and you will find it much easier to get past any hormonal imbalance!