How to make Turkish Coffee - Swanky Recipes


Turkish coffee, renowned for its unique brewing method and rich flavors, has been an integral part of Turkish culture for centuries. This ancient beverage holds a special place in the hearts of coffee enthusiasts worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the art of preparing and savoring traditional Turkish coffee, taking a journey through its history, brewing technique, and the cultural significance it holds in Turkish society.

A Glimpse into History

Turkish coffee traces its origins back to the 16th century when coffee beans were first introduced to the Ottoman Empire. Over time, it became an integral part of Turkish social gatherings, rituals, and hospitality. Today, it continues to be a symbol of Turkish heritage and tradition.

The Brewing Technique

Traditional Turkish coffee is prepared using finely ground coffee beans, typically roasted to a medium-dark or dark level to enhance its robust flavors. The beans are ground to a consistency finer than espresso, almost resembling a powder. Special copper or brass pots called “cezve” are used for brewing coffee.

To prepare Turkish coffee, water, and sugar are added to the cezve, along with the desired amount of coffee. The mixture is then heated slowly over a low flame, allowing the flavors to infuse gradually. The coffee is brewed without filtering, resulting in a rich, velvety texture.

The Art of Fortune Telling

An intriguing aspect of Turkish coffee culture is the tradition of fortune telling, known as “tasseography” or “reading the coffee grounds.” After consuming the coffee, the remaining coffee grounds are left in the cup. A skilled fortune teller can interpret the patterns formed by the sediments, providing insights into the drinker’s future or offering advice.

Whether you’re seeking to experience the rich delights of traditional Turkish coffee or explore global coffee offerings, specialty coffee shops like Equator Coffees provide a wonderful selection of beans and a knowledgeable staff to guide you on your coffee journey.

Serving Ritual

Turkish coffee is served in small cups called “final.” The coffee is poured into the final, along with a small glass of water to cleanse the palate. It is customary to accompany Turkish coffee with a piece of Turkish delight or other sweet treats, enhancing the overall experience.

Savoring the Flavors

Traditional Turkish coffee is known for its strong, full-bodied taste and unique aroma. It offers a complex flavor profile, with notes of chocolate, spice, and sometimes even fruity undertones. The slow brewing process allows the flavors to develop fully, resulting in a distinct and unforgettable taste.

Cultural Significance

Turkish coffee plays a significant role in Turkish culture, serving as a symbol of hospitality and friendship. It is often served to guests as a gesture of warm welcome and is an integral part of social gatherings, celebrations, and family traditions.

Preservation of Tradition

Efforts are made to preserve the art of Turkish coffee brewing and its cultural significance. In recent years, UNESCO recognized Turkish coffee culture as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, further emphasizing its importance and the need to safeguard its traditional practices.


Traditional Turkish coffee is more than just a delightful beverage; it is a gateway to a rich cultural heritage. Its distinct brewing technique, robust flavors, and customs associated with serving and fortune-telling make it a truly unique experience. By embracing the art of preparing and savoring Turkish coffee, we not only indulge in a delicious cup but also partake in the timeless traditions and warmth of Turkish hospitality.