SAM Pelvic Sling II - SAM Medical - Standard size - Canadian Safety Supplies


Pelvic fractures can result from high-impact accidents or falls and can lead to severe bleeding, organ damage, and life-threatening complications. In the field of emergency medicine, pelvic slings have emerged as indispensable tools for stabilizing pelvic fractures and providing immediate support to patients. This article explores the significance of pelvic slings, their mechanism of action, and their role in promoting successful outcomes for individuals with pelvic fractures.

Understanding Pelvic Fractures

Pelvic fractures are challenging injuries due to their complex anatomy and the potential for significant internal bleeding. These fractures can result from trauma such as motor vehicle accidents, falls from heights, or sports-related incidents. Prompt stabilization of the pelvis is crucial to minimize further damage and control hemorrhage.

The Importance of Pelvic Slings

Pelvic slings are specifically designed devices that provide stability and compression to the pelvic region. They are used in pre-hospital and hospital settings to immobilize the pelvis, reduce pelvic movement, and limit bleeding during transportation and subsequent medical interventions. Pelvic slings play a vital role in preventing further damage to blood vessels, nerves, and organs, thus improving patient outcomes.

Mechanism of Action

Pelvic slings work by applying circumferential pressure around the pelvis, effectively closing the pelvic ring and reducing the movement of fractured bones. The compression provided by the sling helps tamponade bleeding vessels, thereby controlling hemorrhage and stabilizing the pelvis. This mechanism of action minimizes pain, prevents further injury, and facilitates safer patient transportation.

Application of Pelvic Slings

Proper application of pelvic slings is essential to ensure their effectiveness. The following steps are typically followed:

Patient Positioning: Position the patient in a supine (lying on their back) position, with the legs together and knees slightly bent.

Placement of the Sling: Carefully slide the pelvic sling beneath the patient’s lower back and pelvis, ensuring that the widest part of the sling is positioned at the level of the greater trochanters (the bony prominences of the hips).

Secure the Sling: Wrap the ends of the sling tightly across the front of the patient’s pelvis, cross them over each other, and then bring them back to the sides. Fasten the ends securely using the sling’s closure mechanism, typically a hook-and-loop or buckle system.

Confirm Stability: Verify that the pelvic sling is providing adequate compression, immobilization, and support to the pelvis. Assess the patient’s pain level and monitor vital signs for any signs of ongoing bleeding or instability.

Collaborative Approach and Professional Training

Proper application of pelvic slings requires training and expertise. Healthcare professionals, including emergency medical personnel and trauma teams, undergo specific training to effectively utilize pelvic slings. Collaborative efforts between medical providers, paramedics, and first responders ensure seamless care and the timely application of pelvic slings in emergencies.

Advancements in Pelvic Sling Design

With ongoing advancements in medical technology, pelvic sling designs have evolved to enhance patient comfort, adjustability, and ease of application. Modern pelvic slings often feature quick-release mechanisms for easy removal during medical interventions and radiolucent materials that allow for X-ray imaging without removing the sling.


Pelvic slings are invaluable tools for stabilizing pelvic fractures, minimizing bleeding, and reducing further complications. Their application plays a critical role in ensuring the well-being of patients with pelvic injuries, both during transportation and subsequent medical procedures. As advancements continue, the development of more innovative and user-friendly pelvic sling designs further enhances their effectiveness. Through proper training, collaboration, and the availability of high-quality pelvic slings from reputable SAM Medical providers, healthcare professionals can confidently provide optimal care for individuals with pelvic fractures, contributing to improved outcomes and increased patient safety.